UBC Children's Ministry
In the Bible Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” Our hope is that the children who come to UBC will experience Jesus’ love, learn scripture and its meaning to their lives, and discover their deep value in God’s eyes. We are committed to partnering with parents in nurturing the spiritual formation of children.
For information about Children’s Ministry, contact Pastor Alison!
Every Sunday during worship we have childcare in the Children’s Suite, located on the basement level just off of our elevator. Children’s Sunday School takes place during the 10:45 Foundation service, and uses the Godly Play Curriculum. Students learn Bible stories and spiritual truths through exploration, asking questions, and sensory activities that help them engage the text.
Vacation Bible School
We will again partner with Churches of Charles for VBS this summer! All children ages 3- fifth grade are welcome to join us for Camp Firelight: A Summer Camp Adventure with God. This summer our VBS will be hosted by Cathedral of the Incarnation August 5-9th and we are excited to share in the fun with all our brothers and sisters from the Churches of Charles. Please click here to register and contact Pastor Alison Raskin if you have any questions or would like to help in some way.
Nursery and Preschool
On Sundays, infants and crawlers are lovingly cared for in our Children’s Suite. There is a nursery available with equipment for infants as needed!